Tornante TV is an independent television studio that develops, produces, and finances animated and live action comedy and drama series for both domestic and international distribution. We take a “creative first” approach to development as we target unique and original voices, talent, and ideas.
Tornante TV has developed, produced and distributed over 200 episodes of animated television. The company has built an animated slate of groundbreaking, award winning and critically acclaimed shows across many different platforms. Its strategic approach to development and ability to finance allows Tornante to make targeted sales in partnership with show creators. Tornante TV has a variety of curated projects currently in development with a model that is tailored to the unique aspects of each show.
Live Action
Tornante TV develops, produces, and finances scripted comedies and dramas featuring original voices, talent, and concepts. The company typically acts as the lead studio but also partners with other studios and production companies to create the strongest team for each project. Our flexible model allows us to strategically target each project to the appropriate streaming, cable or broadcast platform.
Tornante TV, in partnership with Trifecta Entertainment, produced and distributes the daytime court series Judge Faith, seen on stations throughout the U.S.